The all in one sales, marketing and
servicing machine for wealth &
financial advisors

For financial advisor teams & boutique wealth management firms
A complete 5 step automated system to help you market, streamline and rapidly grow your practice

Are you a team of wealth & financial advisors?
Are you a private wealth firm?

Built BY Wealth Advisors,
FOR Wealth Advisors

Run your wealth management practice like a
streamlined machine in 5 simple steps:

Step One

Acquire New Leads

Use our social media ad templates to create eye-catching ads and capture the attention of your potential clients. Then, offer them a helpful, information-packed free lead magnet they won’t be able to resist. Acquire their email address via a highly effective landing page and a sleek, automated form.

Step Two

Nurture Those Leads

Thanks to Step One, new leads automatically appear in your CRM every day. It’s time to nurture them into clients. Your teams follows the done-for-you blueprint to know exactly when to take the next step with each lead. Follow-up emails and SMS messages are automated, so your team doesn’t need to think about them.

Step Three

Never Miss a Meeting

Now that you’ve turned those leads into clients, you can fill your calendar. With the automated online scheduling system, you don’t have to worry about booking meetings with your leads or clients. Whether it’s a consultation or a periodic portfolio review with a current client, nothing falls through the cracks.

Step Four

Stay on Top of Transfers

Let the system keep track of all transfers, client contributions and other transactions, so you don’t have to. The stage-based transaction cycle management features will ensure that every transaction is always followed through to completion. (Plus, there’s always a detailed record of every transaction made.)

Step Five

Make Your Clients Feel Like VIPs

Send your clients a special message on their birthday and on the anniversary of your working relationship. Give them a helpful reminder when their ID is about to expire. Send them a monthly newsletter highlighting relevant industry news. These little personal touches help you deliver a premium service, while actually spending LESS time on admin. The system keeps track of these important dates and sends the emails out without you lifting a finger. Plus, with a well-organized task system, you can track the tasks you assigned to your admin staff. The system even generates automated reviews, so you can see every task completed at a glance.

This is your chance to use cutting edge technology to get ahead in an industry dominated by clunky, ineffective and old-fashioned systems.

“Before using this system, my team and I used to miss important dates and follow ups all the time.”

“I knew we should be scheduling client meetings more regularly, following up on important dates and providing them a VIP treatment.”

“Even after hiring an assistant and spending hours every day on admin, we still kept missing important follow ups.”

“We kept missing out on potential leads, because we would take too long to follow up with them and they would choose another firm. Sadly, we even lost great employees who were frustrated by not having a system that would allow them to do their job effectively.”

“We were always putting out fires and never had enough time to work on growing our business. There had to be a better way.”

Be Unforgettably Professional Without Being Overwhelmed

Clients remember professionals who go above and beyond to make them feel special.

The ones who never miss a follow up and send them Happy Birthday messages, or a bottle of wine to celebrate their Anniversary.

But with so many clients, it’s impossible to stay on top of everything.

After all, you’re only human.

But now you have a superhuman secret weapon who will help you look incredibly professional to your clients.

Meet your virtual assistant:


Kelly never sleeps, never makes a mistake and never forgets a detail.

You no longer need to lie awake wondering, “Did I email that client back?” Kelly did it for you. Kelly is always working away making you look like the ultimate professional, even when you’re snoozing through your alarm.

Kelly is the friendly face of an all-in-one sales, marketing and servicing machine that will give your clients the full VIP experience from beginning to end.


A Complete 5 Step System to Streamline and Rapidly Grow your Financial Practice or Firm

Maybe you’ve looked at systems like this in the past… and told yourself that you could totally set something up on your own

But in reality, you never found enough time to create a system, let alone program it into a well-designed lead generating and nurturing machine. After all, your schedule is already jam-packed with running your business!

But with this system, there’s nothing to set up or figure out. You’ll have a done-for-you set-up made by wealth management advisors just like you and already designed for your specific needs. You’ll be able to use it right out of the box to run your business more smoothly and save time and headaches – which is a HUGE advantage.

This system is ready to go. All you have to do is add your staff and set the machine in motion.

Your clients? They’ll be getting the most attentive, perfect service they could imagine. Your competitors? They’ll still be spending hours every week using old-fashioned spreadsheets. And you? You’ll actually be doing LESS admin than ever before.

Your superhuman assistant Kelly never misses an opportunity to completely WOW your clients.

And you’ll achieve ALL THIS without having to use clunky spreadsheets that will overwhelm you and slow you down.

(Plus, this is great news for your human admin staff. Now they will have more time to help with other tasks.)

How Do You Want Your Clients
To Feel About You & Your Team?

How do the majority of your clients feel about your services?

Surprised and delighted by your attention to detail? Or like an unimportant afterthought?

The truth is:

  • New leads won’t just come to you out of the blue. You need to attract them with effective ads, a sticky lead magnet and a high-converting email sequence.
  • Those leads need to be nurtured into loyal customers with attentive follow-ups that make them feel like they are always top of your mind.
  • Trying to manage all your clients without the help of an automated system and a superhuman assistant like Kelly means something will inevitably fall through the cracks.

Your clients have other options and your competitors are always waiting to slide in when you drop the ball. If you aren’t giving your clients the VIP treatment, another wealth management advisor will.

Don’t lose out to your competitors! Kelly makes sure you’re offering top level service, each and every time.

Marketing Automation? We Got You Covered!

Do you find yourself staring at a blank space where an ad should be, feeling taunted by the blinking cursor because you don’t know what to write?

Now you’ll never have to beat your head against the wall trying to come up with ads again.

With our marketing package add-on, you’ll be prepared with ad templates, a lead magnet, newsletter, marketing drip campaign and more.

You’ll be ready to hand everything off to a digital marketer and let them set the wheels in motion. No more writing, no more stress, just sit back and let the leads come to you.
It starts with a high quality lead magnet, created to solve a pressing need for your audience. Offered in exchange for their email address, it’s a highly effective way to build your list.

Once you start collecting email address, use our pre-prepared email marketing drip campaigns to turn those leads into clients. We’ve designed an email marketing campaign that will speak to the needs of your clients and guide them towards working with you.

According to studies, email has an astounding 4,200% ROI, making it one of the most effective options available.

The system will also deliver a highly relevant newsletter packed with industry insights into their inbox, improving your name recognition and reputation. These newsletters allow you to connect directly with your audience and always be offering them value, so your firm is always at the top of their mind.


Our 5 Step System Helps You Attract New
Leads and Turn Them Into Raving Fans

Kelly makes sure your leads NEVER go cold.

Every new lead for your wealth management practice is a fresh commodity, and their level of interest drops dramatically over time.

Don’t miss the chance to follow up, or they may have already moved on to your competitor.

Kelly is your secret weapon for nurturing leads and turning them into clients, then keeping them happy and satisfied throughout all stages of the client relationship.

According to research, 50% of sales happen after the 5th follow up. But on average, your employees are only making two attempts to follow up with a potential lead. And 44% give up after one follow up.

That’s why Kelly is so effective. The automated system follows up on leads automatically without you or your team having to think about it.

Your leads become clients, and when they do you’ll impress them day after day with service that goes above and beyond their expectations.

And you get to spend less time scrambling and more time building a team you can be proud of.

What Will Your Team Look
Like 5 Years From Now?

Take a moment to imagine what lies ahead in the future for your team

Will you still feel...
  • Overwhelmed by the struggle of managing clients, scheduling appointments and sending follow-up emails?
  • Stuck in a perpetual feast-or-famine cycle because you don’t have a steady source of leads and a way to convert them into clients?
  • Frustrated by the extra time you spend putting out fires and fixing mistakes?
  • Embarrassed when you miss an important follow-up or meeting with a client?
  • Disappointed by the fact that you haven’t been able to work ON your business, because you were too busy working IN your business?
OR, would you rather feel...
  • Relaxed, knowing that Kelly is taking care of all the little details that would have otherwise slipped through the cracks.
  • Energized by the steady flow of new clients your team is working with.
  • Liberated by the extra time in your schedule and inspired to implement big ideas
  • Thrilled that you’ve been able to grow your team beyond what you even thought possible

The choice is yours.

Did You Skip to the bottom of This Page? Here's Our Offer in a Nutshell:

If you’re like me and you always skip to the bottom of the page, here’s a summary of what we’re offering:

This is a marketing and sales machine created BY financial advisors, FOR financial advisors. It’s designed to help you acquire new leads, nurture them into clients and rapidly grow your practice.

We used to have a messy, disorganized marketing, sales and client servicing process. It cost us tens of thousands of dollars per year in lost business and opportunities. We also spent countless number of hours every week putting out fires caused by disorganization.

We struggled with this for years, until we finally decided to build Kelly, Your Virtual Assistant.

Thanks to Kelly’s superhuman organization and automation abilities, we can stay on top of everything and service our prospects and clients at levels we never knew were possible.
We wowed our clients, closed more business and rapidly grew our business!

Now I want to see if Kelly can do the same for you.